About the Cover…

Betsy Cross

Each week from February to August, I make the rounds at Jacob’s Well, counting eggs and recording bird activity in the nest boxes. Last week, as I came up on Nestbox 1, I heard the slightest rustle. I looked up, and this fancy fellow was standing there.

It’s not uncommon to see foxes at Jacob’s Well. But this one, with his white throat, full collar, and orangey head-to-toe highlights, was especially stunning. After a moment of eye contact and one click of the shutter, he scampered away into the brush. About 30 minutes later he appeared again on the opposite side of the property.

Foxes do seem to have a curious nature. I’ve often wondered if they are tracking me to see what I’m up to. When meeting up with one on the trail, there’s a sense of recognition, of kinship, a sort of glad-to-see-you-again feeling on both sides. As I walk about these 81 acres, I know they are there—in the shadows, resting in the brush, mothering their kits. I treasure their presence. It makes my day when one pops out to signal a “hello, how are ya!”


February Flowers


Christmas Bird Count